Flour 1410g
Baking Power 1/2 tsp
Sugar 90g
Salt 1/2 tsp
Butter 90g
Milk 90ml
Egg 1 pc
Pistachio (Grated) 1 tbsp
Soften the butter at room temperature, serize flour and baking powder together, preheat oven.
Beat the butter with mixer until smooth, add sugar and stir gently until milky. Mixed with egg and milk.
Sieve the mixed flour for 3 times into (2) and stir with plastic spatula.
Add sweet cream corn and kernel corn, toss with (3). Pour into muffin mold around 70% full.
Sprinkle the pistachio bits and corn on it and bake for 25 mins at 200ºC. Serve hot.